Saturday, August 1, 2009

Brain-Heart conflict

Image editted from:

Life is full of dilemma, full of conflict, between things, and between people... I don't know if I am weird, but conflict exists between my brain and heart quite often, seriously... Am I weird? Can someone tell me please? Your contrubtion will reallly be appreciated =) I have no prize for you, but I am serious here. Yes I am.

Or you might not realise it, so I gonna explain here, my definition of 'brain-heart conflict'.

brain-heart conflict
An internal clash or disharmony between feelings (uncontrollable) and thinking (controllable).

"Sometimes you know you shouldn't FEEL so, but you just FEEL SO.
and sometimes yoknow you shouldn't DO so, but you just DO SO. "


  1. ya .. u weirdo ..
    i had a chat with ur boss that day .. she told me u r quiet .. =.= .. i told her that's is extremely unreasonably wrong!

  2. the same things with me. i do not know what to do in such situation.. if you find any solution do tell me....
