Sunday, June 27, 2010

I ♥ Train

I ♥ train
click for larger size image

This might sounds a weird but i really like train ride on my free days.

p/s: that's not me in the photo.

A new section called 'LIKE ♥'

Holidays ♥

I decided to add a new section to my blog, to post up things that I like. Like ' LIKE ♥ '.

Will be updating this section from time to time. and hope you like things that i like too...

Thursday, June 24, 2010


carlton garden

Sunday, June 6, 2010

FRINGE and stuff

got my fringe chopped yesterday. I mean, CHOPED.

brand new me with brand new idiotic looking fringe. ugh.


My fringe was eye prickling (its annoying especially during this critical exam period) and i wanted a change (pretty much girl's purest reason for a haircut) . went to a hairdresser and had it choped off.

I think i looked terrible-ish. This whole chopped off fridge just seems so off on me.

There's a saying, 'time would heal the wound'.
I say: ' Time would heal my fringe'.

please, fringe, grow quicker.


As i mentioned above, i am at this crucially critical exam preparation period but i aint doing the right thing. oh focusing have been really hard these days. what's going on. All i wanted to do (and have been doing the whole day) is really ANYTHING other than studying. omg where is the nerdy me?
